
Mak­ing learn­ing about fin­ances fun

For our youngest customers

Sprotarnir are a for our youngest customers. This is where we start thinking about saving up for the future and how to manage money. Members of Sprotarnir get their own bank account and receive rewards when they make deposits or to celebrate birthdays.

Saving for the future

Framtíðargrunnur is savings account that is restricted until the account holder reaches 18 years of age. It is well suited to those who wish to save for the future. The account carries the highest deposit rates available at any given time. It is easy to set up regular savings with automatic transfers. You can choose between an inflation-indexed or non-indexed version when you create the account in online banking.

It’s never too early to start saving

Other savings accounts or funds may be a good fit four young people. There are various savings options for both the long and short term. It’s easy to order regular transfers or set up subscriptions in online banking. Savings are always good to have.

Gift that brings future rewards

Newborn children to Varðan and Náman members can receive an ISK 5000 gift to a Framtíðargrunnur savings account opened in the child’s name. Varðan and Náman members, who have children under 1 year of age, receive a letter with an offer to create the account and deposit the gift.  The parents can decline both the gift and the account.

Sproti app

The Sproti app is a source of endless fun and knowledge for kids of all ages. It teaches kids about traffic rules, lets them play instruments and colour, solve puzzles, listen to stories, spell words, do some maths and start learning how to handle money.

Fróðleikur í Sprotaappinu


Sprotarnir help us learn about a lot of different things. Do you know the answers to their questions?

Hugarleikfimi í Sprotaappinu

Train your brain

You can test yourself against various puzzles, games and riddles.

Spelling games

Practice spelling and writing through play in the Sproti app.

Hljóðfæri í Sprotaappinu

Music instruments

Creating music is really exciting. You can try too!

Púsluspil í Sprotaappinu


Check out all sorts of games and puzzles in the Sproti app.

Sprotabúðin í Sprotaappinu

The Sproti Store

In the Sproti Store you learn how to use money to pay for various things.


Join our group of satisfied customers

Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.


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