Access authorisation

Fólk í sumarbústað

Shar­ing ac­cess to fin­ances

Tak­ing care of your fin­ances to­geth­er is easy in the app.

How can we share access to our finances?

In the app, you can decide to grant view access of your finances or authorisation to carry out general transactions on your behalf, depending on your needs. Cancelling access authorisations is also easy.

You can grant access to:

Bank accounts
Balance and transaction history and/or transfer authorisation.
Unpaid invoices
Overview of unpaid invoices and authorisation to pay them.
Electronic documents
Overview of electronic documents and authorisation to open and read them.
Payment cards
Balance and transaction history.
Balance and transaction history of asset portfolio and/or authorisation to trade.

1. Select bank account

Select the action icon (three dots) next to the bank account you wish to grant access to.

2. Select access authorisations

Select the access authorisation from the menu that appears.

3. Grant access

Add the person you wish to grant access to. You can choose between granting view or transfer access.


Join our group of satisfied customers

Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.


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