

Your path to a new home starts here

We fin­ance up to 80% of the pur­chase price of hous­ing and 85% for first-time buy­ers.

What type of loan best suits your needs?

Lower debt service or speedy asset formation? Compare inflation-indexed and non-indexed loans or combine the benefits of both with a mixed loan.

Inflation-indexed housing mortgage


Non-indexed housing mortgage


Calculate your choices

Kaupverð í krónum


Upphæð láns í krónum

Mortgaging 70%

Endanleg lánsfjárhæð fer eftir niðurstöðum úr greiðslumati en einnig þarf að hafa í huga reglur Seðlabankans um greiðslubyrðarhlutfall. Þegar um mjög há lán er að ræða er almennt einnig gerð krafa um gott lánshæfi, góðan tekjuafgang og meira eigið fé.

Mortgage advice

We are here for you, to help review the financing methods. You can request phone consultation or make an appointment to see us at any branch at a time that suits you.

Credit assessment

A credit assessment provides a clear overview of your payment capacity and the loan amount you can service

First purchase

For first-time buyers, we finance up to 85% of the purchase price and waive the borrowing charge.


Quite often, we can find ways to lower your monthly debt service or pay the loan off faster.

Indexed or non-indexed?

Inflation-indexed loans are linked to inflation, meaning that the principal of the loan can increase early in the loan term. This leads to slower asset formation. While the principal may increase due to inflation, this does not necessarily mean that your financial position is worse, because real estate prices tend to follow inflation in the long term. Interest rates on indexed loans are generally low and debt service lower.

Non-indexed loans are not linked to inflation, meaning that the loan never increases, merely decreasing steadily over the loan term. This results in quicker asset formation and lower instalments as the loan term progresses. Interest rates on non-indexed loans are generally higher than on indexed loans and, as a result, debt service can be considerably higher in the beginning.

Want a mixed loan, both non-indexed and indexed?

By selecting a mixed housing mortgage, you combine the qualities of both inflation-indexed and non-indexed loan forms. You can have part of your housing mortgage inflation-indexed and part non-indexed, selecting the proportions that best suit your needs. Use the calculator to compare inflation-indexed, non-indexed and mixed housing mortgage.

What is the difference between fixed and variable interest rates?

Variable rates can increase and decrease in line with market fluctuations and the economic environment, based on the current interest rate tariff at each time. This may be favourable or not, depending on how the rates fluctuate.

With fixed rates, you tie your rates for a specified period and hedge against interest rate fluctuations. Rates can be fixed for a period of 36 or 60 months. If the loan-to-value ratio is lower than 60% of registered real estate value, you pay lower interest. Fixed interest is even lower if the loan-to-value ratio is below 50% of registered real estate value. Fixed-rate loans carry a pre-payment charge.


Lower debt service during parental leave

Household income tends to change when parents go on maternity or paternity leave. If you are planning to take parental leave soon, we offer a reduction in monthly debt service by up to half for a period of up to 12 months. You need to submit an income schedule from the Maternity/Paternity Leave Fund or a confirmation of parental leave from your employer. We’ll then add an addendum to the loan. Interest accrues on the loan and is added to the principal 12 months from the date of the agreement. 

Fjölskylda skoðar hesta um vetur

Do you have foreign currency income?

If you have income in a foreign currency, you can still apply for a housing mortgage with Landsbankinn. The loan is in Icelandic króna (ISK) and indexed to the foreign currency. Instalments on the loan are in ISK.


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