First purchase


We help you pur­chase your first flat

For first-time buy­ers, we fin­ance up to 85% of the pur­chase price and waive the bor­row­ing charge.

Many factors to consider

Buying real estate not only affects your living situation, it also impacts your long-term asset formation. Once you’ve bought a property, it’s your responsibility. While maintenance and repairs will be up to you, you’ll not have to worry about cancelled lease agreements.

Calculate your choices

Kaupverð í krónum


Upphæð láns í krónum

Mortgaging 70%

Endanleg lánsfjárhæð fer eftir niðurstöðum úr greiðslumati en einnig þarf að hafa í huga reglur Seðlabankans um greiðslubyrðarhlutfall. Þegar um mjög há lán er að ræða er almennt einnig gerð krafa um gott lánshæfi, góðan tekjuafgang og meira eigið fé.

Good oversight matters

It pays to maintain a good overview at all times. Once you’ve bought your own property, you’re responsible for various fixed expenses, mortgage payments, residents’ fees, real estate fees, insurance premiums, utility bills, etc.

You can always make an appointment to come see us, either at a local branch, remote meeting or over the phone. We are happy to help you find your own home.


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