Payment cards


The right cards for you and your fam­ily

Wheth­er you need a card for your­self or a fam­ily mem­ber, we have the solu­tion.

Here’s how to apply for a card

You can apply for a card in Landsbankinn’s app whenever you like. You can also apply for a card or switch to a different card by calling +354 410 4000.

Debit cards

Your debit card is issued to your current account. You can link your debit card to a smartphone or other contactless payment method.

Credit cards

You can instantly find out which card is right for you by comparing benefit schemes, travel insurance and annual fees. The withdrawal limit also varies by card. For these cards, you pay an annual fee instead of transaction fees. Choose between collecting benefits such as Aukakrónur or Icelandair Saga Points.

Prepaid cards

Deposit the amount you'd like to have at your disposal to the card. A prepaid card combines the advantages of debit and credit cards. For these cards, you pay an annual fee instead of transaction fees. You can also collect Aukakrónur when you use a prepaid credit card. The card does not include travel insurance.

Stúlkur úti í náttúru

Cards for our youngest customers

Children and teenagers aged 9 to 18 can get their own card and bank account, access online banking and use the app.

Security and monitoring

The app allows you to easily deactivate and reactivate certain payment card functions at your convenience. You can also set up monitoring for your cards and receive notification about certain types of use.

Stúlka með síma
Your card is always available in the app

All card details are available in the app. There you can monitor the status of your card and incoming payments, freeze your card and copy your card details, e.g. when shopping online. You can also change your card’s withdrawal limit in the app and split credit card bills.

You can buy practically anything with Aukakrónur

Aukakrónur is Landsbankinn’s benefit system. You earn Aukakrónur from all domestic turnover, and shopping with our partners also gives a discount in the form of Aukakrónur.


Join our group of satisfied customers

Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.


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