Electronic ID

Con­veni­ent au­then­tic­a­tion meth­od

Elec­tron­ic ID is per­son­al iden­ti­fic­a­tion used in elec­tron­ic trans­ac­tions. It is a simple and con­veni­ent meth­od to au­then­tic­ate and sign doc­u­ments.

How do I get electronic ID?

You can activate electronic ID in any local Landsbankinn branch. Make an appointment with the branch of your choosing and remember to bring valid identification.

Stúlka með síma

Will electronic ID work on my phone?

You can check to see if your SIM card supports electronic ID on Auðkenni’s website.

You can also log in to Auðkenni’s website to check whether you already have active electronic ID on your phone.

Mæðgin í tölvu

Activate electronic ID for ages 18 or younger

A legal guardian can sign for the activation of electronic ID for minors 18 years and less on mitt.audkenni.is. The applicant can then visit a Landsbankinn branch within 30 days and present valid identification.


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