Yes, everyone can contribute to the fund except those who are required under collective wage agreements to choose a specific pension fund.
Mandatory pension savings
Increased private pension savings and more flexibility
Pension fund Íslenski lífeyrissjóðurinn
By contributing your mandatory pension savings to Íslenski lífeyrissjóðurinn, you earn life-long pension in a mutual division while investing part of your savings in an inheritable private pension. The private pension rate depends on your choice of payment plan.
Choice of payment plans
You can choose between four payment plans with different private pension contribution rates. You can allocate between 43-75% to private pension that is fully inheritable (based on a 15.5% mandatory contribution). The portion of your contribution not invested in a private pension is paid into a mutual division that ensures life-long pension as well as spousal, child and disability pension.

Diverse investment options
There is one investment option for the mutual division, with moderate risk exposure for long-term return on investment. For private pension, four investment options are available: Líf I, Líf II, Líf III and Líf IV. Líf I carries the greatest risk as it has the highest equity rates. The level of risk then decreases gradually and is lowest in Líf IV, where all investments are in bonds and deposits.

Your pension savings
You’ll find information about your pension contributions, rights and developments in Landsbankinn’s app.
In the app’s pension section, you can:

Key information about pension savings
In Iceland, all wage earners aged 16 to 70 are obligated to pay a percentage of their wages toward mandatory pension savings.
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