Supplementary pension savings

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Sup­ple­ment­ary pen­sion sav­ings are a salary in­crease

The most economical savings

When you pay into supplementary pension savings, you are effectively getting a salary increase as your employer pays an additional 2%.

Increases pension payments and provides flexibility as you approach retirement.
The savings are inherited in full.
Real estate savings
Can be used tax-free to buy real estate or reduce housing mortgage.

Why should you pay into supplementary pension savings?

When you retire, your income can drop by as much as half. Although everyone is obligated to contribute a portion of their salary towards compulsory pension savings throughout their working life, the pension they receive is considerably lower than their average wages. Supplementary pension savings are a very good way to increase your income after retirement, and even allow you to retire earlier.

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How are the savings invested?

You can choose between a variety of investment options for your supplementary pension savings. In addition to Íslenski lífeyrissjóðurinn’s four independent investment options, we offer Landsbankinn's Lífeyrisbók (an inflation-indexed and non-indexed account) and pension savings in an international securities portfolio (Lífeyrissparnaður – Erlend verðbréf).

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When are the supplementary pension savings paid out?

You can decide how to use your savings when you reach the age of 60. You can also use the savings to buy real estate or pay off your mortgage. You can also claim pension from the fund due to disability.


Supplementary pension savings used to buy real estate

Supplementary pension savings are an excellent way to buy your own apartment. You can use your contributions to supplementary pension savings tax-free to save for a down payment on an apartment and to pay off your mortgage faster.

Fund member website

You can find information about your pension savings, entitlements and transactions on Landsbankinn’s fund member website.

On the fund member website, you can:

Apply for pension savings
Amend your pension savings
Apply for payout
View statements

Key information about pension savings

In Iceland, all wage earners aged 16 to 70 are obligated to pay a percentage of their wages toward mandatory pension savings.


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