
An ef­fect­ive way to yield re­turns

  • Easy to buy and sell in the app and on­line bank­ing.
  • 25% dis­count on pur­chase fees in the app and on­line bank­ing.
  • 100% dis­count on pur­chase fees with a monthly sub­scrip­tion.
  • No tax on profits un­til you sell.
Why save in funds?
It’s easy to save in funds. That way, you’ll spread your risk and increase your chances of good returns on your savings.
Online securities trading
You can trade in funds and stocks in the app and online banking. The process is simple and you get a 25% discount on purchase fees.
Monthly subscription
With a monthly fund subscription, no purchase fee is charged and you get a discount on the transaction charge. It’s easy to subscribe in the app and online banking.

Mutual funds

Fund price and figures on returns are updated every trading day.

The funds are managed by Landsbréf hf., a management company licensed to operate in Iceland and supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority of the Central Bank of Iceland. We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the prospectus, key investor information and fact sheet available for each fund. Other information includes terms and conditions, a summary of conflict of interest and risk description for trading in financial instruments.

All information on this site is accurate according to Landsbankinn’s best knowledge and is intended for information purposes only and not as the basis of business transactions. Landsbankinn bears no liability for any inaccuracies or delays in updating information and/or for decisions based on such information. Data is subject to a 15 minute delay.

Investment in funds always involves risk as the price of units can both increase and decrease due to changes in the value of underlying assets and exchange rate fluctuations if the fund holds assets in foreign currencies. Past returns are not necessarily an indication of future returns, and investors may get back less than the amount originally invested.

Securities trading in the app and online banking

The app and online banking enable you to send requests for trading with Icelandic equities and Landsbréf funds anywhere, anytime. You can also monitor the progress of transactions and view overviews of securities assets and your trading history.

Kona með hesta

Monthly fund subscription

With a monthly subscription to a fund, no purchase fee is charged and you get a discount on the transaction fee. The minimum amount for monthly subscription is ISK 5,000.

Stúlkur á hlaupahjólum

We’ll grow your gift

Children of confirmation age receive a contribution of ISK 6,000 from us when they invest ISK 30,000 or more in a mutual fund.

We’re here for you

You can always consult our securities and pension advisors, who can help you build your portfolio. You can also email us at or call +354 410 4040.

Friðbert G. Gunnarsson

Friðbert G. Gunnarsson

Sales Manager 410 7166
Gústav Gústavsson

Gústav Gústavsson

Sales Manager 410 6221
Jóhanna M. Jónsdóttir

Jóhanna M. Jónsdóttir

Sales Manager 410 7169


Join our group of satisfied customers

Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.


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