Securities trading

Sim­pler trad­ing

You can trade in do­mest­ic equit­ies and buy/sell in funds any­time you like in the app and on­line bank­ing. You can also sub­scribe to funds and get a clear over­view of your se­cur­it­ies as­sets and trans­ac­tion his­tory.

Funds are an effective way to secure good returns

You can easily buy and sell in Landsbréf funds in the app and online banking. You can sell in funds at any time.

There is a 50% discount on transaction charges and 100% discount on purchase fees for Landsbréf funds until 15 February.

Subscription to funds

You can set up a monthly subscription to funds in the app and online banking.

With a subscription, you get a 100% discount on the purchase fee if your subscription lasts longer than 4 months and you pay a lower transaction charge.

Equities belong in a well-diversified portfolio

Trading in equities on the stock exchange in the app and online banking is both quick and easy. You can either send bids or purchase at market prices. Real-time prices of equities are shown in the buy/sell process.

We give a 25% discount on transaction charges

Comprehensive overview

You get a comprehensive overview of your asset portfolio, its development and composition. You can also view the value of your assets in other currencies than ISK.

Other features includes your transaction history, search for transactions by type, security or period, and downloading transaction receipts.

Sign up in a matter of minutes

To start trading securities with us, you only need to sign a service agreement with electronic ID and answer a couple of questions. Then you can begin trading immediately.

Risk in trading securities

Transactions in equities and funds can be risky and past performance is not a reliable indication of future returns. We encourage you to seek professional advice and familiarise yourself with related risk, cost, fees and other such factors before taking investment decisions.


Join our group of satisfied customers

Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.


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