Strong team

Job sat­is­fac­tion and suc­cess are a team ef­fort

It’s im­port­ant to en­joy your work. We cre­ate and take ad­vant­age of op­por­tun­it­ies to get to­geth­er, both to work and en­joy each oth­er’s com­pany.

Strong and dynamic team

At Landsbankinn, each individual has the opportunity to grow, develop and utilise their own expertise and strengths in their work. The ingenuity and know-how of our team is key to the Bank’s sound and successful operation.

Guðlaug Adda Guðmundsdóttir

Guðlaug Adda Guðmundsdóttir

“The workplace is amazing, all my colleagues here at the Bank are great and we work so well together”

Hafþór Atli Rúnarsson

Hafthór Atli Rúnarsson

“Landsbankinn is a great workplace for people with families and has so many locations all over the country”


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