Job applications

Hrafn og Edda

Want to join our team?

We em­phas­ise pro­fes­sion­al work pro­ced­ures, a pos­it­ive ex­per­i­ence for ap­plic­ants and seek to hire strong and re­li­able in­di­vidu­als from a di­verse back­ground.

Applying for work

When applying for work, the application should be completed with care. A well-presented CV with up-to-date and accurate information about experience and education increases the likelihood that your application will measure up to others.

Avoid long text in your CV. Highlight key points and present them in an organised manner. It can be useful to have a third party proofread the application or CV, also for a second opinion. List the phone number and email where you’re easiest to get hold of.

  • Personal information
  • Education (most recent first)
  • Work experience (most recent first)
  • Courses / Other skills
  • Social activities
  • References
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Preparation for job interview

It’s necessary to be well prepared for a job interview. The applicant must show up on time and be appropriately dressed. It helps to be familiar with the company and the products and services it provides.

Answer honestly any questions about experience and knowledge in the interview. Prepare your own questions in advance and be ready to ask them at the end of the interview.


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