Garmin Pay

Garmin Pay

Re­gister your card on your Garmin watch and start pay­ing with your watch. With­draw­al lim­its and all be­ne­fits such as Aukakrónur and in­sur­ance will of course re­main the same.

  • No ad­di­tion­al fees
  • A highly se­cure pay­ment meth­od

How do I register my card in Garmin Pay?

Open the Garmin Connect app and select the watch you wish to use. There you’ll find Garmin Pay. Next, select a PIN.
Select VISA and fill out your card details and personal information.
Accept the terms and conditions in Garmin Connect
Enter the verification code sent to your phone in the app.

How do I pay with Garmin Pay?

Open Garmin Pay in your watch.
Enter your PIN if prompted.
Place the watch up against the POS terminal and wait for payment confirmation.


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Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.

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