Apple Pay

Apple Pay

With Apple Pay, you can use your phone to make se­cure pay­ments. Re­gister your card in Apple Wal­let to be­gin mak­ing con­tact­less pay­ments.

  • No ad­di­tion­al fees
  • Be­ne­fits and in­sur­ance re­main the same
  • The with­draw­al lim­it is the same as on your card

How do I pay with Apple Pay?

Push the side button twice, look at the screen and then hold the phone up to the POS terminal.
Hold the phone up to the POS terminal with your finger on the scanner.
Apple Watch
Push the side button twice and then hold the watch up to the POS terminal.
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Register your card with Landsbankinn’s app

Open Landsbankinn’s app, locate your card and select “Add card to Apple Wallet”. Apple Wallet opens automatically and your credit card details will appear. From here, you will be guided through the final steps of registration.

Open Landsbankinn’s app
Go to the menu in the upper right corner and select “Cards"
Find the card and select “Add card to Apple Wallet”
Scan the card with your phone camera

Register the card with Apple Wallet

You can also use Touch ID to register your card directly through Apple Wallet on your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch or MacBook Pro.

Open Wallet and select the “+” icon in the top right corner.
Apple Watch
Open the Apple Watch app on your phone, select “Wallet & Apple Pay” and then “Add Credit or Debit Card”.
Go to Settings, select “Wallet & Apple Pay” and then “Add Credit or Debit Card”.
MacBook Pro með Touch ID
Go to System Preferences, select Wallet & Apple Pay and then “Add Card”.


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