Currency | Buy | Sell | Change | |
Icelandic krona | 1 | 1 | - | |
Euro | 143.57 | 144.68 | - | |
United State dollar | 132.93 | 133.96 | −0.05% | |
British pound | 172.08 | 173.41 | 0.21% | |
Polish zloty | 34.414 | 34.803 | 0.18% | |
Japanese yen | 0.8882 | 0.8953 | 0.60% | |
Norwegian krone | 12.672 | 12.773 | 0.35% | |
Swedish krona | 13.255 | 13.362 | 0.84% | |
Danish krone | 19.242 | 19.391 | −0.02% | |
Swiss franc | 150.7 | 151.91 | 0.22% | |
Canadian dollar | 92.88 | 93.63 | −0.13% | |
Australian dollar | 83.73 | 84.6 | 0.33% | |
South African rand | 7.282 | 7.357 | −0.34% | |
Hong Kong dollar | 17.075 | 17.253 | −0.06% | |
New Zealand dollar | 76.16 | 76.95 | 0.25% | |
Singapore dollar | 99.31 | 100.42 | 0.21% | |
Chinese Yuan | 18.262 | 18.467 | −0.09% | |
Special Drawing Rights | 176.35 | 178.03 | 0.03% |
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