Subsidiaries and affiliates
Subsidiaries are companies in which Landsbankinn’s holdings exceed 50%. The main subsidiaries are Landsbréf hf. and Hömlur ehf. Affiliates are companies in which Landsbankinn has made a long-term investment and in which it owns a considerable share, although no more than 50%. For further information about the bank's affiliates please refer to the annual financial statements.

Landsbréf hf.
Landsbréf hf. was established in 2008 and is one of Iceland’s largest fund managing firms. Landsbréf is a subsidiary of Eignarhaldsfélag Landsbankans ehf., which is fully owned by Landsbankinn hf., making Landsbréf part of the Landsbankinn Group. Landsbréf manages a varied selection of funds and companies that invest in various aspects of the Icelandic economy and on global securities markets. Landsbréf serves both private individuals as well as professional clients.

Hömlur ehf.
Hömlur ehf. mainly handles administration of assets the Bank has appropriated.
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