Payment service

Sim­pli­fy your monthly pay­ments

With our pay­ment ser­vice, your ex­penses are auto­mat­ic­ally charged to your ac­count. You choose which ex­penses to in­clude in the pay­ment ser­vice and we'll pay your bills for you on time.

Enjoy the benefits of our payment service

You’ll get a good overview of your finances
Your bills are always paid on time
A convenient way to save time and spread expenses evenly throughout the year
You can watch your plan’s progress in online banking
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How do I apply for the payment service?

Make an appointment so that we can go over the expense items that you want to include in our payment distribution service. Together we’ll figure out an appropriate monthly amount to spread your expenses evenly throughout the year.

We review the instalment plan with you annually. You can always change your plan and add to it if circumstances change.


Could direct payments be right for you?

Scheduling invoices for direct payment carries no extra cost
Invoices are charged on the due date
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Direct debit in online banking

Direct payments are a convenient way to pay regular expenses, such as subscription fees, media, utility and telephone bills, insurance premiums and lottery ticket renewals.

You can schedule invoices for direct payment in online banking, under “unpaid invoices”.


Join our group of satisfied customers

Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.

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