We warn against phishing emails that have been sent in the name of the Icelandic Tax Authority (Skatturinn). The email, which is in Icelandic, claims that the tax authorities have updated your tax return information and instructs you to access these details through the Skatturinn service portal by clicking a link included in the email.
When the link is opened, recipients are asked to select their bank and are then prompted to authenticate themselves using electronic ID. If you do so, the scammers can use your credentials to access your online banking account.
The email also states that you have a credit balance with Skatturinn and need to provide your card details to receive the payment. If you provide your card information, the scammers can use it to withdraw funds from your card.
At first glance, the phishing email may appear credible, but upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that the email does not originate from Skatturinn.
To reiterate:
- Never open links in emails that purport to take you to log in or authentication sites. Always enter the company’s website directly through your browser and log in through the proper channels.
- Never approve log in requests, transfers, payment card transactions or other actions in online banking/the app unless you are in fact using them to sign in.
- If you have authenticated or divulged your payment card number and suspect that you may have been scammed, contact your bank immediately.
- We recommend that you read up on cybersecurity and defences against cybercrime on Security in banking - Landsbankinn.is..