Two stu­dents re­ceive grants from Reyk­javík Uni­versity and Lands­bank­inn en­cour­age­ment fund

Kacper Skóra og Guilherma Baía Roque hlutu styrki úr Hvatasjóði Háskólans í Reykjavík og Landsbankans 2024.
20 September 2024

Kacper Skóra and Guilherma Baía Roque received encouragement grants from the Hvatasjóður fund of Reykjavík University (RU) and Landsbankinn in 2024.

The fund was established in 2023. The objective is to level the playing field for access to RU for students whose native language is not Icelandic and facilitate their access to RU’s undergraduate courses. Recipients of the grants are exempt from tuition fees at RU the first year and Landsbankinn foots the bill.

Kacper Skóra is working on a BSc degree in Business Administration and Guilherma Baía Roque is enrolled in BSc in Computer Science, with a minor in Business Administration.

“I am very thankful to receive this grant. It allows me to concentrate fully on my studies without having to worry about finances. The grant gives me increased incentive to attain my goals and to do even better in my studies,” says Kacper.

“This grant is a game-changer for my time at RU. I can now devote myself completely to my education and take full advantage of all the opportunities RU has to offer,” says Guilherme.

Quality education - for everyone

Establishment of the fund was based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and especially goal no. 4: “Quality education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”.

All non-native Icelandic speakers who are or have completed upper secondary school education are eligible to apply. At least two applicants will receive the grant each year. Grant recipients are selected based on academic achievement, diversity and participation in other activities, such as sports, recreational activities and volunteer work. The fund advertises for applications in spring.

From the left: Bryndís Björk Ásgeirsdóttir, Dean of Social Sciences at Reykjavík University, Kacper Skóra, Guilherma Baía Roque, Sigríður Guðmundsdóttir, HR Manager at Landsbankinn, and Klara Steinarsdóttir, Head of Education and Job Development at the Bank.

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