New and even better online banking for corporates

Among innovations is the dashboard, a shared work environment for everyone in the company. Users can upload payment files, payroll files, save payment drafts, and send payments for approval directly from the dashboard. It also allows selecting one or multiple payments and processing them with a single confirmation. The dashboard can be compared to a shopping cart, where you gather transfers, unpaid invoices and payment files before making payment either in full or partially, depending on what suits best at each time.
More new features simplify the interface and improve efficiency. Logging in and confirming payments now requires biometric authentication on mobile devices, electronic ID or the Auðkenni app instead of RSA tokens and secret numbers, which will soon become obsolete. We have combined domestic and international payments in the new user interface, much like in Landsbankinn’s app, and on the recipient page, all recipients of payments from the company are now visible, both domestic and international. We have also redesigned the payment search function, eliminating the need to navigate multiple pages to find payments. Instead, a single powerful search engine now replaces all previous search methods.
We are happy to assist and answer any questions you might have about the service. Call us at +354 410 5000 or email