Reyk­javík Cul­ture Night at Lands­bank­inn

Reykjavík Culture Night will be celebrated in the city centre on Saturday, 24 August. Landsbankinn has been a pillar of Reykjavík Culture Night since its inception and, as usual, invites visitors to enjoy several events both at its headquarters in Reykjastræti and at Hörputorg, in collaboration with Hafnartorg and Harpa Concert Hall & Conference Centre.
Lúðrasveit á Menningarnótt
21 August 2024

13:00, 14:30 & 16:00
Guided art tour of Reykjastræti 6

Landsbankinn welcomes Culture Night guests to guided art tours of its headquarters at Reykjastræti 6. Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson, art historian, guides visitors on a tour of prominent pieces displayed on the Bank’s walls.

Three tours are scheduled, lasting about an hour each. Note that participation is limited and registration required.

Sound the trumpets  

Trumpets will be sounded to celebrate the completion of construction at Hörputorg! For the first time ever, brass bands Lúðrasveitin Svanurinn and Lúðrasveit verkalýðsins will march together through the city centre. Almost a hundred musicians will march from Austurvöllur and Lækjartorg at 13:00, join forces at Kolagata and proceed along Reykjastræti to Hörputorg.

Once there, the bands will take their place on the brand-new stairs at Reykjastræti and the annual battle of the marching bands will begin!

Brumm brumm mobile press and gallery

Brumm brumm is a mobile printing press and gallery operating out of an old Mercedes Benz caravan. Brumm brumm showcases printing as a live performance at Hörputorg.

13:00 – 18:00
Build your own boat at Hörputorg

Boat building with Memmm Play is a creative family event. All and sundry are invited to build boats and watercraft from various materials. Everyone can participate according to their ability and then float their boats on the pond in front of Harpa.

14:00 & 16:00
Flamingo jockeys at Hörputorg, Reykjastræti and Kolagata

PilkingtonProps shows up with Pétur and Magnús, Iceland’s most flamboyant flamingos! Be prepared to be delighted and dazzled by their showiness and shenanigans!

14.30 & 16.00
BMX BRÓS at Hörputorg

BMX BRÓS combine risky and expert jumps on their BMX bikes, lots of joy and humour, audience participation, loud music, laughter, shouts, smiles and motion.

15.00 & 16.30
The family Troll tramples through Hörputorg, Kolagata and Reykjastræti

Troll dad Tufti and his two children, Drangskarfur and Skögulkatla make their way through Kolagata and down Reykjastræti to Hörputorg. They aim to please and are excited to see what the humans get up to on Culture Night.

15.15 & 16.45
Clowning about and acrobatics at Hörputorg

“Trúðslæti”, or clowning about, is a show that celebrates diversity, communication and forbearance by bridging the gap between languages and cultures. Clowns Suzy, Salla Malla and Momo showcase their talent at basketball, dance and amazing acrobatics.

After the show, the audience is invited to try.

Don’t miss out on these fantastic events!

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