While our branch in Grindavík remains closed, we welcome all the people of Grindavík at any of our other branches. It’s easy to book an appointment on landsbankinn.is and choose between a phone consultation, remote meeting or visit to any of our branches. Landsbankinn is present around the country.
Current events could lead to loss of income for many people and the impact on local businesses is also considerable. We offer various solutions, both for individuals and companies. If you need assistance to use the Bank’s services or want to review your financial situation, we encourage you to get in touch.
Easy to defer mortgage payments
Many of our customers in Grindavík have housing mortgages and they will all have the option to defer payments (postpone instalments). Please contact us if you wish to do so. You can book an appointment on landsbankinn.is or email us at landsbankinn@landsbankinn.is.
Mortgage payments can be deferred for up to six months. It’s quick and easy to apply and no fees will be charged to our Grindavík customers in this case.
Safety-deposit boxes in Grindavík have been removed and are accessible in our branch in Mjódd, Reykjavík.
The Bank’s employees in Grindavík have, just like other inhabitants, been relocated to other towns and will continue their work for the Bank, in other branches or through remote work, depending on the situation.
We are monitoring developments closely and will post further information here on our website.
First published 13 November 2023, most recently updated on 16 November 2023.