Landsbankinn's customers can now access annual statements about their banking business in electronic format through online banking by clicking "Statements", selecting "Annual statements" and year. Information about accrued interest, capital income tax, annual interest etc. is available here in PDF or Excel format. The annual statements will replace end-of-year statements, previously available under "Electronic documents". Landsbankinn's General Terms and Conditions for the Opening and Use of Deposit Accounts have been amended to reflect this change. Note that customers are entitled to terminate deposit account agreements upon the amendment of the General Terms and Conditions.
The above change is part of efforts to reduce cost charged to customers. Further information about less expensive banking service is provided in Landsbankinn's summary of better banking (icelandic).
Customers who do not have access to online banking can request to receive annual statements by mail by visiting a local branch or calling the Bank's Customer Service Centre, tel. +354 410 4000. Requests may also be directed to
It should be noted that the aforementioned information will, as hitherto, be submitted to the tax authorities. Icelandic taxpayers will receive this information early each year in an overview document that accompanies their tax return.