New and improved online banking

New and im­proved on­line bank­ing

Check out the changes

Online banking for corporates is now even more convenient and user-friendly. The changes include a completely new approach to payments, new log-in and authentication processes and a new dashboard that facilitates overview.

Tölva með netbanka fyrirtækja á skjánum

This short video introduces the main features in the new version of online banking. Get to know the dashboard and changes to transfers, payments and learn to create payment files.

Company dashboard

The dashboard is a joint workspace for the company. Users can upload payment files, payroll files, save payment drafts, and send payments for approval directly from the dashboard. From the dashboard, it’s also possible to select one or more payments and process them with a single confirmation.

Log-in and payment confirmation

Logging in and confirming payments will require biometric authentication on mobile devices, electronic ID or the Auðkenni app instead of RSA tokens and security numbers, which will soon become obsolete. Biometrics are activated in Landsbankinn’s app

Maður við tölvu


Domestic and international payments are now combined in the new user interface, much like in Landsbankinn’s app. A dedicated page shows all recipients of payments from the company, both domestic and international.

Payment search

A single unified search function eliminates the need to navigate multiple pages to find payments by type.

Get in touch

We are happy to assist and answer any questions you might have about the service. Call us at +354 410 5000 or email


Join our group of satisfied customers

Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.


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