Weekly bulletin 29 April 2024

The week ahead
- Marel publishes results today.
- On Tuesday, Eurostat releases inflation figures for April and national accounts for the first quarter in the Eurozone.
- On Wednesday, the US Federal Reserve announces its interest rate decision.
- The CBI published the results of its market expectations survey on Thursday. Eik fasteignafélag, Íslandsbanki, Kvika Bank and Landsbankinn publish results.
- On Friday, unemployment statistics in the US will be released.
Image of the week
In our newly published economic forecast, we expect to see continued economic growth despite an unchanged policy rate of 9.25% until October. Growth will however be limited in coming years, a mere 0.9% this year, 2.2% in 2025 and 2.6% in 2026. Private consumption and investment will show moderate growth and tourist arrivals will grow much slower than initially in the post-pandemic era. The economy has proved resilient in the past few months and inflation has been persistent. Because of this, we do not expect the policy rate to be lowered until this fall.
Highlights of the previous week
- The CPI rose by 0.55% between months in April, bringing the 12-month change down from 6.8% to 6.0%. Inflation receded slightly more than we expected - we had assumed a 0.61% increase between months and for annualised inflation to rise to 6.1%. Two components had the largest impact by far on the measurement this time, accounting for 95% of the increase between months: imputed rent and international air fares. We expect inflation to remain at around 6% in the next three months.
- GDP growth measured 1.6% between quarters (annualised basis) in the US in the first quarter.
- Festi (investor' presentation), Fly Play, Hagar (investor presentation), Icelandair (investor presentation) and Síminn published results. Sýn released an earnings warning.
Statistics and market data
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