Weekly bul­letin 1 July 2024

The consumer price index (CPI) rose by 0.48% in June. As a result, inflation measured 5.8%, down from 6.2%. Turnover based on March-April VAT reports contracted by 4.6% in real terms and the wage index rose by 0.2% in May, according to figures released by Statistics Iceland last week.
Litríkir bolir á fataslá
1 July 2024

The week ahead

  • On Tuesday, inflation figures will be released for the eurozone.
  • On Friday, Statistics Iceland publishes the registered number of employed persons and income liable for withholding tax.

Image of the week

Inflation receded from 6.2% to 5.8% in June, according to measurements by Statistics Iceland and in line with our forecast. We were interested to see that the price of clothing and footware decreased by 0.9% between months in June - an unusual development for this time of year, as is reflected in our forecast for a 1.0% increase. This could indicate that there is lower demand for clothing and footware, perhaps reflected in special offers and sales outside of conventional sales periods. In general, the price of clothing and footware decreases in July, when the summer sales start. Sales may have begun earlier this year.

Highlights of the previous week

Statistics and market data

Weekly bulletin 1 July 2024 (PDF in Icelandic)

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