Landsbankinn and the Federation of Icelandic Industries (SI) are hosting a joint seminar on Thursday, 13 March, on the public-private partnership in the field of infrastructure and transport.
The morning seminar will be held in the Northern Lights hall in Harpa between 8:30-10:00. Doors open at 8:00 and a light breakfast will be served.
Lilja Björk Einarsdóttir, CEO of Landsbankinn, opens the seminar and addresses the possibilities of partnership between public entities and private actors as regards infrastructure construction.
Teitur Samuelsen, CEO of the Austurey and Sandey tunnels, and the planned Suðurey tunnel in the Faroe Islands, describes the development, implementation and financing of these substantial undertakings.
Kashif Khan with MetLife Investment Management in the UK addresses infrastructure financing, a field in which MetLife is very active.
Ingólfur Bender, Chief Economist with SI, discusses the status and outlook of domestic infrastructure.
Following these presentations will be a panel and discussions that will be announced later.
We assume that Lilja Björk and Ingólfur need little introduction, but here we present our international guests:
The company led by Teitur operates the Austurey and Sandey tunnels, two 11 km long subsea tunnels connecting Austurey and Sandey in the Faroe Islands. Construction began in 2016 and was completed in 2023. The project was financed with EUR 53 million in equity and a EUR 360 million loan. Kashif Kahn is Director of Infrastructure and Project Finance at MetLife, where he is responsible for the origination and execution of new transactions, as well as the ongoing management of existing investments. Kashif joined MetLife in 2015 and has over 14 years of experience in advisory and investing in infrastructure debt.