Lands­bank­inn warns against phone calls from fraud­sters

10 September 2024

In the past couple of days, Landsbankinn has been informed of fraudsters calling people in Iceland and attempting to defraud them of funds using various tricks.

The phone calls are spoofed, that is they appear to come from Icelandic phone numbers, yet the fraudsters do not speak Icelandic. The callers variously say that they are offering an investment in cryptocurrency, that they’re calling to notify you about cryptocurrency assets you supposedly own or offering payment for you to act as an intermediary in cryptocurrency investment.

They have succeeded in getting people to download the app AnyDesk to their devices; an app that gives the fraudsters full access to the device. People have also been tricked to divulge the security code for their electronic ID, allowing the fraudsters to use that information to log in to their bank apps, transfer funds from accounts and approve credit card transactions. There have also been cases of the fraudsters using people’s credit card information to purchase cryptocurrency from a company called Bintense. Those funds are then lost.

We are still receiving more information about this fraud campaign and will keep this notice updated.

Please remember:

  • Use the utmost caution when you get calls or messages with offers of easy money.
  • If you think the caller may be a criminal, hang up at once. It’s been shown that the longer a conversation lasts, the more likely people are to be tricked.
  • Be careful when using electronic ID and never give your security code to anyone. Nobody other than yourself should know the security code for your electronic ID.
  • The AnyDesk app, and other similar apps, let anyone gain full and unlimited access to your computer or phone once it’s been downloaded and approved. Deleting the app won’t help, you need to seek professional help to make sure your device is safe.
  • Never approve login requests, transfers, payment card transactions or other actions in online banking/apps unless you are really carrying out these actions.

Contact your bank and the police as quickly as possible if you think you’ve been the victim of fraud. This is important. More information on

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