Community grants in the total amount of ISK 15 million were awarded from Landsbankinn’s Community Fund on Tuesday, 19 December. A total of 36 projects received financial support this year. The projects are varied and benefit people of all ages and throughout Iceland.
Landsbankinn's community grants are intended to benefit humanitarian and charitable pursuits, education, science and research, preventative measures and youth activities, environmental issues and culture and arts projects.
The panel of judges was comprised of Sverrir Jakobsson, Professor at the University of Iceland, Felix Bergsson, actor, and Dr. Guðrún Agnarsdóttir, who also chairs the panel.
Since 2011, nigh on 500 projects have received grants in the total amount of over ISK 200 million from Landsbankinn’s Community Fund.
This year, over 500 applications were received for extremely ambitious projects.