Landsbankinn has now allocated sustainability grants for the second time. Seven interesting projects received grants this year in the total amount of ISK 10 million.
The projects share the common factor of having a positive impact on the environment and contributing to growing sustainability in industry and the community.
The allocation process has a special focus on the energy transition and supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals no. 9, on industry, innovation and infrastructure, and no. 13, on climate action.
Three projects received grants in the amount of ISK 2 million and four projects received ISK 1 million each. Over 40 applications were received this year.
This year’s panel of judges was made up of Aðalheiður Snæbjarnardóttir, Sustainability Manager at Landsbankinn, Guðmundur Thorbjörnsson with EFLA Consulting Engineers, Kristján Vigfússon from Reykjavik University and Sara Pálsdóttir, Managing Director of Community at Landsbankinn.