You can now view the balance of your accounts with other banks in Landsbankinn’s app. Soon you won’t need any other banking app!
You can currently view accounts with Arion Bank, Íslandsbanki and Kvika Bank (Auður).
- Under information about each bank account, select “Other banks”.
- This opens a menu that allows you to choose between Arion Bank, Íslandsbanki and Kvika Bank.
- You’ll be required to verify your identity with electronic ID or by other means.
- After that, you’ll be able to authorise Landsbankinn to fetch information about your bank accounts and show it to you in Landsbankinn’s app.
This allows you to view the balance on payment accounts, such as current accounts linked to debit cards, and most savings accounts. You can opt out of this service at any time.
You need to have the most recent version of the app.
Transfers coming soon
As of now, you can’t use Landsbankinn’s app to transfer from accounts with other banks, but we’re working to make that happen soon.
This link between the banks is based on a new payment service directive, PSD2.