Lively discussion followed a well-attended meeting co-hosted by Landsbankinn and the Icelandic Organization of the Visually Impaired. The focus was on cybersecurity on the one hand and on access to self-service solutions on the other.
Brynja María Ólafsdóttir, a specialist with the Bank’s Compliance unit, discussed safe ways to navigate the Internet and Markús Már Thorgeirsson, Team Leader in the Web department, reviewed access to the Bank’s online banking platform and app.

Participants showed a great deal of interest in cybercrime and were clearly occupied with frequent news about such activity. Several questions were posed concerning safe behaviour and the participants were interested in finding out how to practice safe ecommerce while enjoying the benefit and simplicity of online transactions.
Markús described the Bank’s process of consulting with specialists from the Organisation in the design and development phase of the Bank’s self-service solutions and web solutions. The members of the Organization made several helpful suggestions about log-in options and Markús, joined by Snæbjörn Konráðsson, Head of the Web department, assisted a couple of participants in activating touch ID.

We at Landsbankinn would like to thank the Icelandic Organization of the Visually Impaired for the meeting and its members for highly interesting discussions and useful comments.