AB-Fasteignir re­ceive Lands­bankinn’s Sus­tain­able Fin­an­cing La­bel

14 March 2023

AB-Fasteignir have received Landsbankinn’s Sustainable Financing Label for the production of renewable energy. Landsbankinn’s Sustainable Financing Label is awarded to businesses who meet the sustainability criteria of the Bank’s Sustainable Finance Framework and fulfil strict ESG requirements.

Birkir Þór Guðmundsson, Chairman of the Board and co-founder of AB-Fasteignir with Ásgeir Mikkaelsson: “We are proud to join the group of businesses who have received Landsbankinn’s Sustainable Financing Label and accept it with gratitude and humility. Since AB-Fasteignir began construction of smaller hydropower plants in Iceland, we have striven to minimise the environmental impact of development and aimed for reversibility of our structures. Electricity produced in our plants is a fully renewable power source. Combined with reversibility, this contributes to protection of the environment and sustainable development while also mitigating emissions. Our production units are located on the periphery of Iceland’s electrical power system. This contributes to delivery security and reduces the dependence on fossil fuels for electricity production when the need arises for back-up power supply in the country’s distribution system. Landsbankinn’s Sustainable Financing Label is a great recognition and important incentive for us to maintain our momentum and continue to contribute positively to the environment in current campaigns in climate issues and the energy transition.”

Pictured are Ásgeir Mikkaelsson and Birkir Þór Guðmundsson, co-founders and owners of AB-Fasteignir, and Eva Dögg Kristinsdóttir, Account Manager at Landsbankinn.

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