Landsbankinn has launched its own merchant acquiring service. Merchants who bank with us can now concentrate all their payment service in one place, resulting in increased efficiency and a better overview of operations.
Landsbankinn’s acquiring service accepts payments in point-of-sale devices and ecommerce platforms, supports Apple Pay and Google Pay and offers securer settlement windows and more practical settlement periods. The system allows for the integration of POS equipment and payment gateways for online service which creates opportunities to link in benefit systems, increase loyalty and improve the overall customer experience.
This is a robust and secure payment transaction system that opens various new avenues to both streamline and simplify operations.
Increased automation in accounting and benefit systems
“This is the first time in Iceland that merchants are offered a solution that supports the integration of point-of-sale devices and ecommerce platforms. This is a revolutionary service for our customers who rely on payment card transactions. The system allows merchants to boost customer loyalty and easily develop their own benefit systems. We will also take advantage of the Bank’s B2B connections to automate merchants’ book-keeping systems,” says Ragnar Einarsson, Head of Acquiring Services at Landsbankinn.