Eignadreifing sjálfbær is a new investment fund of Landsbréf, a subsidiary of Landsbankinn. The fund's objective is to achieve a good rate of return and risk diversification, guided by sustainability.
The fund emphasises responsible investment and looks to performance in ESG issues (environmental, social, governance) in the selection of investment objectives. The fund invests in domestic and international funds, equities and bonds, money market instruments and deposits.
Helgi Thór Arason, Managing Director of Landsbréf: “Landsbréf is one of the largest fund and asset management houses in Iceland and its role is first and foremost to maximise returns for fund members, based on underlying investment strategies. Sustainability is a factor in all our investment decisions. With the new fund, which will invest solely in financial instruments issued by parties who excel in the field of responsible investment, we take our focus on sustainability one step further. Investment decisions have regard for ESG assessments and issuers will be measured against the fund’s minimum requirements for sustainability. These requirements allow customers of Landsbankinn and Landsbréf to take better informed decisions on companies’ sustainability platforms and to direct funds to investments that demonstrably promote sustainability, without relaxing requirements for return on investment.”
Hrefna Ösp Sigfinnsdóttir, Managing Director of Asset Management & Capital Markets at Landsbankinn: “At Landsbankinn, we take sustainability seriously and are proud to have recently ranked 1st of 423 regional banks assessed by international research and ratings provider Sustainalytics in Europe. This new fund, Eignadreifing sjálfbær, allows investors and the general public to actively join us on this journey. Investors have increasing adopted the methodology of responsible investment, as research shows that there is a correlation between companies’ sustainability efforts and long-term profitability. We will continue to be guided by sustainability. That’s Landsbankinn, an ever-smarter bank!”