Enhance card entries

Kona í verslun

Re­ceipts dir­ectly to ac­count­ing sys­tem

Save time by at­tach­ing pay­ment re­ceipts to cred­it card trans­ac­tions in the app.

Increased efficiency in corporate bookkeeping

In the app, attachments like payment receipts can be added to card transactions along with explanatory notes and appropriate ledger keys.

Up to three images and one document can be attached to each transaction.
An explanatory note can be added to each transaction.
Ledger key
Transactions can be labelled with ledger keys from the company’s accounting system.

Simple and accessible

Companies save significant time as attachments, explanations, and ledger keys linked to transactions are accessible in online banking and ready for integration into their accounting systems.

Time saving and enhanced traceability

By attaching receipts and documents to transactions in the app, critical information is properly delivered.

This is a cost-effective solution designed to improve processes and enhance traceability in accounting. No additional cost accrues to companies who use the solution.

Kona í verslun


Card holders can at any time add or change ledger keys, attachments and explanatory notes in the app. The information is updated simultaneously in the app.

Get in touch

We are happy to assist and answer any questions you might have about the service. You can get in touch with us by calling +354 410 5000 or via email to fyrirtaeki@landsbankinn.is.


Join our group of satisfied customers

Applying for access to online banking and the app, creating an account and getting a debit card is a matter of minutes.


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