

Vaxtareikningur is a non-indexed savings account with incremental interest rates that depend on the balance. The account offers flexibility and is suited to corporates seeking good returns on their liquid assets without long fixed term periods. There is no minimum deposit requirement which makes the account an attractive option for flexibility on favourable terms.

  • No term restrictions
  • Non-indexed
  • Up to ... interest
  • Monthly or annual interest payments
Incremental interest depending on balance
No minimum balance
No service, redemption or other fees
Choice of monthly or annual interest payments


Bracket Amount Monthly intr. Annual intr.
Base bracket 0 - 199,999 %interest2093% %interest2087%
First bracket 200,000 - 999,999 %interest2094% %interest2088%
Second bracket 1,000,000 - 4,999,999 %interest2095% %interest2089%
Third bracket 5,000,000 - 19,999,999 %interest2096% %interest2090%
Fourth bracket Over 20,000,000 %interest2097% %interest2091%

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