

Fastvaxtareikningur fixed rate account is a non-indexed savings account bearing up to ... fixed interest. The account is a good choice for companies looking to invest their funds for up to two years.

  • Fixed term of 3, 6, 12 or 24 months
  • Non-indexed
  • Up to ... interest
  • Interest paid annually
Non-indexed account with fixed rates
Minimum deposit of ISK 500.000
A new account must be created for each deposit
Account is terminated at the end of the term
The balance plus interest less capital income tax is paid to the account for disbursement, specified upon creation
Interest is added to the principal at the end of a fixed term. If the fixed term exceeds 12 months, the interest is added to the principal at 12-month intervals from the date the account is established
Accrued and entered interest is not available for withdrawal until the fixed term expires
A withdrawal fee is charged if the account is closed prior to expiry of the fixed term. See withdrawal fee in Landsbankinn's interest rate tariff

The interest rate is determined by the fixed term

Fixed term Annual interest
3 months  %interest266%
6 months  %interest267%
12 months %interest268%
24 months %interest269%

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